How do you solve it? How did it happen? is it easy to solve? We need to fix this problem this is killing humans and animals
It can cause lung cancer and other diseases
It has three things it can pollute land, water and air
If the water is polluted it can kill fish
Miners cause land pollution
Farmers can also cause land pollution
Air pollution can change the earth's weather
Dirty air traps too much heat from sunlight than the earth get warmer, this is called global warming
Air pollution can kill farm animals by, the polluted air falls on crops to feed farm animals
Lake Erie had a big problem with it, it was killing the plants and the fish in there but it is saved ;)
Rainbows are actually acid rain that kill trees it is made by clouds and polluted air it will make acid rain
here is a link to a slide show |
hello Ethan that was great work by Te Hari